Hypnotize Guitar Pick


but, what is the boognish?

Boognish is the way I am

Boognish is the way I live

Boognish is the way I cried

Boognish is the way I died

Boognish helps better people

Boognish is what I go to

Boognish is the way I think

Boognish is the way I drink

Boognish is the way I walk and

Boognish is the way I talk

Boognish that's me and you

Boognish is the way I think

Boognish is the way I want to be

Boognish is the way I kick it.

"We created this deity, Mickey and I, in 1986. And we called it the Boognish, and that was our little dude. But over the years, and I really believe this stuff, so many people, whether they had it tattooed or whatever.

I set the groundwork that it was a demon and a god. Yin and yang.

The forces of good and darkness in all the universe. That’s what the Boognish represents.

He’s also a total fucker. I blame him for a lot of things.

The more I try to get away from the Boognish deity, the worse he’s going to make it for me, if I ever really try to ignore that he exist. And I know Mickey’s the same way.

So no, the Boognish was not just some little fanciful thing that I’m above now.

The Boognish is very real, and it will haunt me, and control me for the rest of my life.

I always have to beware of it, or I will pay the price." - Gene Ween



Ween is an alternative rock band founded in 1984 in Pennsylvania by Aaron Freeman and Mickey Melchiondo,

even though i just defined them as an alternative rock band, their discography varies a lot, going from experimental rock to country, from funk to soul, from pop to punk, and just to give you an example,

listen to piss up a rope and then to you fucked up, and you'll see what im talking about.

“out of complete musical darkness, comes one ray of light, and it’s fucking WEEN.” - Henry Rollins

in 1990 the band released their first album, "god ween satan", an album of 26 tracks, featuring songs like "you fucked up",

"L.M.L.Y.P.", "birthday boy" (which still makes me cry to this day), and many more.

god ween satan was basically a collection of all the-best-of recorded in the previous years, you should really give it a listen!

"As it veers uncontrollably from the stupid to the unlistenable,

God Ween Satan becomes the energizing sound of two street-corner nutjobs railing as best they can against the entire world.

Equal opportunity for clever morons to punish the masses with the aid of modern recording equipment — it’s truly a wonderful thing.” - David Browne

in 1991 ween released "the pod", this album solidified their style of using pitch shifting vocals and drug based lyrics.

The next year they released their third album, "pure guava", which featured push th'little daisies.

"chocolate and cheese" was their next album, released in 1994, it was a new start for the band, where they started experimenting with 70's pop rock and soul; but the greatest change of all came when they released their next album,

"12 golden country greats", which, as the title of the album says, its a country album. This was the first ween album inspired by only one genre.

In 1997 they released "the mollusk". Aaron Freeman, aka Gene Ween, would describe it as their dark acid rock record.

The mollusk is a multi-genre concept album with nautical themes, with songs like ocean man and the mollusk.

Many of the songs on this album are about sea creatures, and this inspired a certain marine biologist, Stephen Hillenburg, to create an animated series about it.

In the year 2000 "white pepper" was released, it featured a more pop sound and i honestly dont have a lot to say about it.

"Quebec" was released in 2003 and it has a more "negative" sound, probably because Gene when writing the lyrics for this album was going through a divorce, the impact of this event being expressed in the song ‘I Don’t Want It’, as well as in the contemplative and toned-down ‘Tried and True.’

Ween's last full lenght album, "la cucaracha" came out in 2007, by the end of the recording both Gene and Dean felt that ween was done.





